Dr Timothy Andrews

Research Scientist | Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK.
Associate Professor | University of Leeds, UK.


I am a research scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre and Associate Professor at the University of Leeds working on the physics of climate change. I am mainly interested in the Earth’s energy budget and how it can be used to understand and predict climate change. My research focuses on:

  • Radiative forcing, climate feedbacks & heat uptake
  • Methods and concepts relating to climate sensitivity and transient climate change
  • Climate processes and projections
  • Links between the energy and water cycles
  • Climate modelling

I use observations, theory and a hierarchy of climate modelling to investigate these issues.

I work in the Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks team, which forms part of the Climate Processes and Projections group in the Met Office Hadley Centre. At the University of Leeds I work in the School of Earth and Environment.